Sunday, January 23, 2011

An Ode to high heals

This is an ode to high heels. I love to wear or at least look at the high heels since I’m not allowed to wear them. It makes me very proud to have them. Also whenever I go to the shopping mart, I always go to the shoes section to look at the high heels. High heels make me tall so it helps me to cover up my complex of being short. All the grown ups including my parents think it’s very unacceptable for a student who should be wearing sneakers to wear high heels  so I’m waiting until I become an adult…^^

Dear High Heels,

O, high heels, when did we first met, during my dance class or at weddings.
You were so bright which caught my eyes, and that was when I first thought of wearing you.
When I was young all the grown ups said, you don’t need high heels because it’s not good for me.
But don’t get upset about what they said, whatever they say, I will wear you someday.

O, high heels so thin and sharp, it also makes me thin and fashionable.
High heels, please come to me everyday, so I can wear you to look tall.
Lots of colors are used in you, and lights reflect from your shiny materials.
I love choosing you in shopping malls also trying every one of you too.
You make me happy for I want to buy you everyday, but I don’t have money so I’ll get in trouble.
All the girls love to wear you, they say you’re the last point of fashion.
Wait for me until I can wear you, and walk on earth making myself proud.

O, high heels, when did we first met, it’s been years since I wanted you so badly.
It is hard to just look at you but I can wait forever if I could wear you once.

So wait my heels, wait for me.

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