Monday, January 24, 2011

Diary-4th Day in GLPS

            It has been my fourth day of KMLA here. It feels like a month or two but actually we just started this camp GLPS. The last few days have been really busy. History homework, debate homework and on top of that, this diary. I guess all that get left behind are diary and pictures^^ Since yesterday, I've been practicing for my debate class today. Even though it's been only few days, because I made to the intensive class 26, we are doing a debate. Honestly, I've never done a formal debate before in which I have to POI and talk for 6-6:30 minutes. It is going to be a real challenge. The topic of the debate was THB uniforms should be abolished in all Korean Public schools. I got to be on the negative side in which I had to pretend that I like uniforms and need them. It wasn't a hard topic actually, but I couldn't sit back and relax because it was going to be the first debate in my life(formal). I could neither practice nor prepare for it much so I was very nervous. When the debate started, my body started to shiver. When it was my turn to speak, my head just turned blank. I really couldn't think of anything to say so I used my notes to help. When Tr. Baumgardner gave each of us feedbacks, it was very surprising to hear that I had my speech pretty organized. He said the goasl is to get better and we will if we try to push our efforts but I'm really not sure. But I hope I'll get better eaqch time. I better do my homework because I have history class tomorrow with Mr.Ganse.

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