Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Diary-11th Day in GLPS

         KMLA has a rule banning all the relationship with their opposite sex. Guys can't ask girls to go out nor can they hold hands. I think this is ridiculous rule. I've never been to a school that bans relationship. I understand that it causes students to not actually concentrate on their school work but I think meeting a girl or a boy is also a learning that schools can't cover. Our debate TA said that he had a girlfriend in America. He told us that she is a year younger than him and that she's pretty but he didn't show us her picture so I don't know for sure. But the thing that I'm mostly curious about is his name. I wanted to write his name earlier but I couldn't because I din't know how to. I wonder if it's 한창희, 한창의, 한창이 or 한창히 or whatever. I think it's the first one though..^^ Anyways, we found out that 이윤정PA also has a boy friend. I think even if the school makes a policy, it's unstoppable. School shouldn't be resonsible for students liking each other. I think school should just be a place for education. My mom also said that she is totally fine with me having boyfriend if he is tall enough^^. Someone in our room also likes some other guy and I think people should have experience like this to have more comfortable relationship in the future with anybody.

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