Sunday, January 9, 2011

Writing Chain-"Triangle Love" by class 26

           Hello! My name is Jong-Ae or you can just callme Christina. My writing chain essay was about a love triangle that the main characters of 'Harry Potter' have. My other classmates said that they felt wierd reading their story for the first time but I did not have a problem reading my chain story. It was wierd writing and I had much presure being the first writer of my story but it turned out well better than I thought. This is my essay and please enjoy. Don't forget to comment! :)



       Once upon a time, there was a boy named Ron. He was very funny and loud. Ron had a best friend whose name was Harry Potter. Harry was handsome but he also was actually hairy. One day, Ron and Harry flew to the little hill to play. When they got there, they saw a girl playing by herself. Her name was Hermione. She had a blond hair and she was wearing a purple dress. Ron and Harry came up to her ans asked her to play with themso three of them played together on the little hill. The next day, Ron told a secret to Harry. It was was that Ron liked Hermione. Harry Potter was shocked when he heard it because he like her too. However, he could not say anything to Ron. Ron said,
       "I will propose to Hermione tomorow. Will you help me?"
       "Oh-I'm very sorry but I'm busy tomorrow." Harry lied. On the way home, harry decided to propose first. Tomorrow morning, he went to Hermione's house and knocked. However there was no one answering. 
       "um..m I think I should visit again later." He disregarded and came back home. When he came back, he was very surprisedto see Hermione waiting for him infront of the house.
       "H..hi..What are you doing here?" Harry asked with a red face. His heartpumped simply because of looking at Hermione's pretty face. 
       "I came here to m-"
       "Harry!!!!! I'm here to play!" Ron shouted as he came to Harry's house riding a bicycle. He was surprised by the existence of Hermione and said,
       "Hermione?!" Both Ron and Harry was curious why Hermione came infront of Harry's house. Harry began to think 'Did she come here to see me?' 
       "I came here to-" Hermione said with an akward smile.
       "To see me?" Harry interrupted.
       "Yes. Well, I came here to borrow the book you have. You know the fiction book about the spells!" Hermione replied excitedly. 'Yes!' thought Harry. 'This is the chance!'
       "Um..m sorry Hermione, I don't think you can borrow it" said Harry. Hermione's eyes has gone wide.
       "And may I ask you why?" asked Hermione, shocked.
       "Well, actually, it has a bad smell becasue Ron's rat, scabbers, urinated on it and the letters had gone all blury." replied Harry, thinking what he would say next.
       "Oh, them I'll just have to buy a new one" said Hermione cooly.
       "um..then shall I go with -"
       "As it's MY fault, I'll escort you to the bookstore. I can get you some really good spellbooks" Ron interrupted. 'I was going to ask her out first! What is he playing at, interrupting his ONLY friend!!' thought Harry. Harry quickly asked Hermione,
       "Well, can I go too? I must buy a book too."
       "No problem. All three of  use can go to the bookstore" said Hermione. But Ron interrupted.
       "Harry, I thought you had a busy schedule today. Maybe we can just go without Harry, Hermione" Harry shot a look at Ron and said,
       "Oh, well that was cancelled just before I came here." Ron sighed.
       "Alright" On the way to the bookstore, while Hermione was walking a head of them, Ron asked Harry.
       "You had a book to buy? Well, I never knew that you read books!!" Harry ignored Ron.
       "Let me tell you this Harry, Scabber never did something like urinating on your book."
       "Well, that's your opinion" Harry answered and Ron looked quite angry.
       "Besides, I never took him to your house" Harry made a surprised face.
       "Oh really? Then why did I was a mess in my book?" Ron tried to say something but he stopped because Hermione said,
       "Guys, we arrived at the bookstore!"
When the three of them opened the door of the bookstore, Hermione said that she needed to go to the second floor to find her book. Before Ron can even say anything, Harry took Hermione on her hand and took her to the second floor. Ron ran there, but Harry and Hermione weren't there. They were between the bookselves so he couldn't see anything. Harry told Hermione
       "Hermione, will you be my girlfriend?" Hermione said
       "NO" Harry looked sad. However 3 seconds later Hermione said
       "Harry, actually....I...want to be your girlfriend.." Harry was so happy that he felt like he got the whole world in his hand. But Ron, comparably looked sad because he heard everything they sad.
       "I'm very sorry Ron....but I'm going out with Harry" Hermione gentely to not hurt his feelings.
       "It's okay. I'm okay. You don't need to be sorry." Ron looked depressed. But that was the end of the love triangle.

                            Few years later..........................

Harry and Hermione had a baby junior potter and a daughter junior Hermione. and what about Ron you ask? Well......Ron also had a baby with this beautiful girl named Poe that they met in the bookstore.
Both Harry,Hermione and Ron, Poe lived happily ever after.

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