Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Diary-1th Day in GLPS

          I've been staying here at KMLA for about 3days and it feels like it's been months!! When I first thought of coming here felt like I was some kind of genious because I heard that KMLA is the the BEST high school in Korea and that students who come here are all geniouses. but I was worried too because everyone would be so good and what if I'm the only one who is not fluent in speaking English!! My family and friends worried with me. We worried together. When I came here, my heart pounded because this school was so big. I got up to my doormitory. I was in the 10th floor. I was the first one to arrive in our doormitory. When I got to meet the roomates I was kind of scared but exicited at the same time. but soon I became really close with them. Now I can understand that friends get closer with each other when there is a challenge to go through. We weren't very close with the other room but soon we became friends. We went to the cafeteria to take a writing test I was very nervous but at the same time, kind of annoyed because I suck at writing. I like writing but I'm not good at it. When we got the test paper, I was shocked because it was too difficult for me to handle. Though it was very hard, I tried my best to write as much as I can. The next day, we have interview so I had to prepare for that later that day. After taking the test, we went to cafetaria to eat. I was very surprise because the menu was so much better than the menu at our school. After eating we went back to our doormitory to study. It was probably the first time to study by myself. I was very proud.

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