Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Wacky Web Tales!!

This wacky web tale story is about how Julie made the golf team at school and what difficulties she has gone through. It was very funny reading my story because there was a part where Julie got an itch on her armpit. When you actually think about it and imagine Julie doing this kind of stuff, it's funnier than any other story I think.

Flying Through Lunch

This evening, Julie tried out for the golf team at school. Julie worked very hard, eating every morning and kissing every day after school. She was sure to be a shoe-in!

That was what we all thought until this afternoon at lunch. Julie was carrying her lunch tray filled with cakes, oranges, and beans. She walked over to sit with the captain of the team, bella. Suddenly, Julie got a terrible itch on her armpit. She tried to scratch it, but instead she tripped over a(n) spoon and sent the lunch tray flying across the cafeteria, where it landed on bella's toe nail and made a complete mess!

Julie was so embarrassed. She was sure she would never make the team. What she didn't know was that a similar story happened to bella when she was trying out for the team. bella accidentally threw garbages all over the coach.

At tryouts this evening, Julie did great and bella personally congratulated her on becoming the newest member of the team.

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