Thursday, January 13, 2011

S.A.T. Style Reflective Essay - "Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring"

In the film, what lesson do you think the monk is trying to teach his young student? Reflectively relate this learning process to your own personal experience.

           The film was about a teacher and his student who is very young and had a lot to learn. It was very short so it was very clear to figure out what the message was and the message was shown very strongly. Io think what the teacher was trying to teack his young student was that like is important no matter what it is and also, if it's done, you can never take them back weither you regret or not.
           I have the same experience with the student in the film. Once, when I was young, I thought killing ants and other bugs was okay just because I did't like them. Howver, my teacher taught me that all lives are important by making me to act like an ant and imagine how it would feel like to be one of the ants that I stepped on. I felt very scared and felt like I was a murderder at that time. From that day on, I respect all lives. I think this teaching method is very strong and effective because people can know better of what they did wrong. It makes people feel regret. I think by using this kind of learning process, teacher wanted to teack student well and surely so it doesn't happen again.
          The student was having fun with suffering animals but later two of them died. I think the teacher wanted to teack that since it's done, you can't go back by using this method of teachin so that the boy could see what would happen. The boy was not aware of the consequences, he will think befor he act to prevent the later on bad results.
          "Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring" was very different from the movies or films that I saw so far. It has a message and I can feel the strongness of that message and how important they are. This film's powerful message was that all lives are important and that you have to think about the consequences. By using this learning process, I think the message stands out very well to the audiances.

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